Millstone Township
Foundation for Educational Excellence 



Who We Are
MTFEE Info Pamphlet.pptx
Officers & Trustees
Friends of the Foundation
Advisory Board
Calendar of Events
Trustees Login
Email Login

What does the MTFEE do?

MTFEE is a non-profit organization devoted to funding grants for items that nurture extraordinary educational experiences for every student in the Millstone Township Public Schools. Items include innovative classroom programs, educational opportunities for students, staff development, and state-of-the-art teaching materials.

Who do we serve?

The MTFEE serves every student in the Millstone Township Public Schools.

Who can apply for a grant?

Millstone Township Public School teachers can apply for a grant.

How is the MTFEE funded?

The MTFEE is funded 100% by donations from parents, alumni, local businesses and various friends of Millstone throughout the year. We also hold various events such as Casino Night and Family Movie Night throughout the school year.

How can I help or donate?

There are many ways to help the MTFEE. Each person connected with Millstone can offer their time, their talent or make a monetary donation.  You can even give all three. Check out the website for the many volunteer opportunities and fundraising events.