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Cycles 1 - 10 (Before 2006)
Cycle 10 - Spring 2006 - $37,160.52
Literacy Bags - A Gift of Reading ($1,200.00) [Yvonne Warshawski - Grade 1 - Resource Room]
This program allows for the creation of literacy bags for first grade resource room (classified) children. The purpose of these bags is to get families involved and excited about their child's budding capabilities to read and to encourage parents to spend more quality time with their children reading. Each literacy bag will include 2-4 books, a journal related to the bag's focus, an activity, a craft if appropriate or an object related to a book's theme and a parent letter explaining the objectives. The program will allow families to become an integral part of their child's reading education. The literacy bags will be chosen by the students on Monday and returned on Friday. Students will have this opportunity, approximately 1-2 times each month. The children will be proud to show their families and friends their special materials, and will learn that reading is an enjoyable activity.
Math Enrichment ($2, 174.72) [Nina Bannerjee, Traci Soriano, Melissa Guedes - Grade 1]
This project is designed to give the students math enrichment. The read-to-use games will make it easy to reinforce essential math skills and in the process, provide math enrichment to all the first grade students. These math activities will guide students through a variety of problem solving strategies and then challenge them to solve word problems on their own. They will also get the students ready for standardized tests with the skill building questions that cover many of the math standards. They will focus on specific math areas from numerical operations, number sense and logic, problem solving, patterns and graphing. It will also provide reinforcement opportunities to enhance the students' proficiency in the skills for Everyday Mathematics.
Math Literature Library ($1,481.61) [Karen Vitro - Grades K-5]
The Math Literature Library would be housed in a central location in the Elementary School and would be available for all teachers through the Math Content Specialist. The use of these books has been overwhelming, providing the need for a real math library. This library will correlate with the current math curriculum and will allow children and staff to have a pleasurable literacy experience, as well as the opportunity to use mathematics for authentic purposes.
Creation and Pollution: The Life of the Rock Cycle ($772.90) [Stephanie Prudente - Grade 6]
Students will participate in a series of investigations and labs mapping the origin and erosion of the rocks that make up our earth. They will experience the rock cycle processes and as well as observe the different types of rocks. Students will investigate and understand the influence of pollution on soil, rock, and water. This project will allow students to have a more hands-on experience with geology and ecology, as well as recreate the events that created and are destroying the earth.
Current Science ($299.70) [Stephanie Prudente - Grade 6]
Students will have the opportunity to read and discuss biweekly science issues happening in the world today. Current Science is a magazine that relates topics covered in the curriculum to current events. It contains short articles with engaging pictures that provoke excitement about science, a very dynamic and ever expanding subject.
Tools for Assessment ($5,519.79) [Doreen Laskiewicz - Grades 3 & 4]
Assessment is an important tool for teachers to use to gauge how students are doing and to make adjustments in lessons. It is imperative for teachers to be able to differentiate for the varying levels of ability and interest. This grant will allow for the purchase of the Renaissance Classroom Response System, an electronic system where students can input question answers directly to an electronic grade book. The answer will not only be recorded, but the teacher will be able to see which students answered correctly, how quickly they answered and even project charts showing student responses. An end result will be better assessment of all the third and four grade students in relation to music. This project will allow the teacher to record more assessments, providing a broader and more thorough view of the individual student's needs - since over 800 students are seen only once a week.
The Anne Frank House ($179.80) [Audrey Ferraro - Grade 8]
Each year 8th grade teachers implement a Holocaust unit and read the Diary of Anne Frank. This project would provide 4 copies of the CD-ROM interactive program called "The Anne Frank House, A House with a Story." The 3 dimension images can be linked to our Arcadia and there will be 4 copies to be used by 4 8th grade teachers. This 3D CD-ROM depicts the building that the Frank's lived in during the hiding period. Students can wander through the house and connect to links that document the history of World War II.
American Mathematics Contest 8 ($890.00) [Lisa Dittmeier - Grade 6]
This grant provides funding to participate in the American Mathematics Contest 8 (AMC 8) to be given on November 4, 2006 to all 6th,7th, and 8th graders in the Millstone Middle School. The examination provides an opportunity to apply the concepts taught at the junior high level to problems which not only range from easy to difficult, but also cover a wide range of applications. High scoring students are invited to participate in the AMC 10, which will be administered in-house on February 6, 2007. A core objective of the AMC 8 is to promote excitement, enthusiasm and positive attitudes towards mathematics and to stimulate interest in continuing the study of mathematics beyond the minimum required for high school graduation. A district objective of administering the AMC 8 is to enable our students to participate in a national contest along with other school from the surround areas to set a higher standard for excellence in mathematics.
Lifting Learning Through Listening ($24,642.00) [Karen Shaffer, Jean Beegle, Marcelle Mele, Pat Gurico - Grades 5-8]
This program intends to increase reading comprehension and fluency among struggling students, remedial students, students for whom English is a second language (ESL), and classified special education students. This grant will allow these identified students the option to borrow audio versions of textbooks and novels used at Millstone Middle School. These recorded books will provide opportunity for reinforcement, relearning, and independence at school and home that is currently unattainable for these students.
Cycle 9 - Fall 2005 - $46,615.46
Recess-o-rama ($1,101.53) [Kelly Rosetto - Grades 5th-8th]
This project would actively engage the students in the brain stimulating and recreational activity of playing the card games UNO, SkipBO, and 24 Games during recess time following lunch while reinforcing mathematic skills. These games will be available for all four lunches/grades (800-900 students) on a daily basis following their lunch for those students who do not wish to go outside, or for all students during inclement weather.
Getting WILD at School ($1,187.95) [Jennifer Gabler, Meredith Weibel, Sara Stofik - Grade 3 & Special Education]
The goal of Getting WILD at School is to foster enthusiastic, natural, informal conversations that encourage a life-long love of reading. Getting WILD at School will give them the opportunity to discuss and engage themselves in the books they are reading. It will give students a chance to read books that interest them and then discuss them with other children in a safe and welcoming environment. Based on Literature Circles developed by Harvey Daniels, this project involves a small group of students exploring a piece of literature in depth. This learner-centered approach focuses on students’ responses to the literature they read. In Literature Circles, students are actively engaged in reading through making choices, discussing, and constructing meaning. This strategy engages students in higher-level thinking and reflection by encouraging collaboration and constructing meaning with other readers. These literary discussions are guided by student insights, observations, personal connections, and questions, and may be related to the author, characters, setting, plot. Learners take on a variety of roles in their group and learn to facilitate their own discussions and projects. The goal of literature circles is to foster enthusiastic, natural, informal conversations that encourage a life-long love of reading. Getting WILD at School will be available to all 3rd grade teachers. Books have been selected that will reach every reader and are challenging in many different ways. All of the books are chapter books which will be kept in baskets in Mrs. Gabler’s classroom. There are 10 of each book so that 2 classes could benefit from each title at one time.
The Right to Read More & Read to Write More ($2,094.68) [Cari Jensen - Grade 3 & Special Education]
The purpose of this grant is to provide funds to allow third grade classified students the opportunity to study authors. An author study allows for students to be taught an author’s personal and professional history and for students to discuss the author’s life and his written work. Author studies are designed to provide innovative ways to spark a love of literature, reinforce reading and writing skills, and for the students to learn why an author chose to write a given piece of literature. The special needs children will learn that all creative ideas can be written about and at times published.
After learning about each author the students will have the knowledge and the ability to participate in a discussion about the author’s work, and will begin to learn new insights about the writing process. This activity will provide a deeper understanding of how authors develop their characters, choose their settings and incorporate their own life experiences into their stories. Getting to read the different works of an author will provide classified students with an instrument for developing their independent thinking skills and broadening their interests.
Special education teachers on the third grade levels will research, discuss and choose four authors to be presented to the students. These authors will be chosen based on grade level appropriateness and the scope of the author’s books (short novels, poems, illustration rich short stories). After choosing the four authors the teachers will review their works, and will select six books written by each author. Eight copies of each book will be ordered to make up a class et. (There are no more than eight classified students in a resource room setting.) These books will be placed in decorative cases and labeled with the author’s names. Special education teachers in the third grade will be provided with a class set of materials.
Teachers will introduce one author at a time to the students and through out the period that the class is studying that author the students will be given opportunities to read that author’s works. The materials will be rotated until all authors have been represented to each student. The objective of this grant is to afford 100% of the classified third grade students the opportunity to explore the various works of individual authors. This grant will provide an activity which will enrich the present reading and writing curriculum and motivate academically challenged students.
Interactive Library ($2,362.00) [Marian Peck - Grade 2]
To incorporate an interactive library into our existing guided reading program. This broad library of interactive books will focus on specific classroom needs such as: phonological awareness, vocabulary development, fluency and comprehension.
The LeapFrog SchoolHouse has developed a comprehensive research-based library of interactive books. The personal learning tools bring these books to life, creating enhanced, individualized instructional experience that help all students reach their potential. During a typical guided reading lesson, one group (four or five students) each day is called up to the reading table with the teacher and spends 20 to 30 minutes reading for the teacher. The other students complete independent work at their seats. To be able to allow the students to use these interactive books at this time would be fantastic!! The students would be directed to select a book at their individual reading level. They would use the LeapPad, headphones and attached marking pen to read the story and complete the given tasks. Each story requires the student to practice vocabulary and complete a comprehension activity. Each story also includes opportunities for prewriting and writing. The personal learning tools merge curriculum and technology on one-to-one platforms. Each student would be able to spend approximately 30 minutes on task. Each student would have their own personal learning tool and headset. The interactive books would facilitate assisted reading that models intonation, pause, and word stress. The children would listen to correct pronunciation of the words. It would also build vocabulary and familiarity with key language structures in students who need to develop their oral language skills. Many skills would be reinforced, such as comprehension, and fluency.
Notable News ($4,101.30) [Irene Pearson - Grade 4]
The students will develop a class newspaper that will be published three times between January and June 2006. The newspaper will be used to report classroom events and to teach students about different writing styles. Students will conduct interviews, report on current happenings within the classroom and grade level, and spotlight a classroom author. The newspaper will also include students’ artwork and photographs.
This enrichment to our curriculum will enable students to use the writing skills they are developing and practicing in a real-life application. In addition, the students will further develop their technological skills as they work in conjunction with a laptop computer and digital camera with the assistance of the classroom teacher. Students will also develop organizational skills as they work together to compile the various pieces of a newspaper and strive to meet deadlines.
The Virtual Zoo ($35,768.00) [Jennifer Gabler, Meredith Weibel, Sara Stofik - Grade 3 & Special Education]
The Virtual Zoo would allow our third graders to engage in a cross-curricular animal research project that is entirely dependent upon technology. In preparation for the zoo, each student would conduct research on a laptop computer via the Internet, record information in an on-line outline and write a five-paragraph research report using Microsoft Word. Then students would create a slide using Microsoft PowerPoint that would include a graphic representation of the animal in its habitat as well as a brief description of the animal. This would allow students to experiment with drawing applications, animate and non-animated graphics, and sound clips. In a presentation hosted by our third grade zoologists, third grade parents and students in second grade would be invited to a special opening day presentation. Each zoologists would speak briefly on their specific animal, sharing information that would appropriately enhance the second grade science curriculum.
After opening day the Virtual Zoo would be made available to all elementary classroom teachers for use in their classrooms as an enhancement of the science curriculum. In addition to the Virtual Zoo project, Elementary School students will be able to utilize the mobile laptop lab in the following ways:
o Publishing student writing
o Enriching the Everyday math curriculum using interactive math websites
o Research projects in the content areas
o Enhancing science and social studies curriculum through the use of virtual tours and demonstrations of concepts studied in the classroom (viewing phases of the moon, following the trails of Lewis and Clark, taking a virtual tour of Washington, DC)
o Enriching the related arts (Accessing online Spanish/English books, composing music with automatic playback)
Cycle 8 - May 2005 - $46,855.08
Insects-in-Amber Mobile Museum ($1,851.00) [Beth Topinka - Grade 6]
Children are naturally fascinated by fossils – viewing the physical remains of prehistoric organisms dating back millions of years is awe-inspiring. Beyond the familiar fossils preserved in sedimentary rock, significant scientific discoveries about prehistoric life have been made through analysis of insects and other organisms trapped in amber –preserved tree resin.
This proposal is for an Insects-in-Amber Mobile Museum that would provide students the opportunity to study first-hand the remarkable detail and variety of 15-30 million-year-old insects and arachnids, sparking a desire to learn about the organisms’ prehistoric environment, predator/prey and symbiotic relationships, biological diversity, as well as Earth’s changing tectonic landscape and climate. This project will actively engage students in critical –thinking—with the objective of honing skills in scientific observation, inquiry, and analysis. Key state core curriculum content standards in earth, life, and physical sciences will be addressed in an exciting, hands-on, exploratory format.
The Listening Program ($777.45) [Marjorie Morgenroth - Elementary School Speech Dept]
The Listening Program is a music-based auditory stimulation program that exercises the brain and auditory pathways. The program is based on the principles of Alfred Tomatis, M.D. and was designed to improve auditory processing problems that include short-term auditory memory and difficulty in listening in the presence of noise. The program will be offered to those students that experience severe auditory processing difficulties that interfere with their ability to independently receive and process auditory stimuli.
It is hoped that exposure to the CD’s will result in improvement in auditory processing skills, improved self-esteem and greater independence.
Improving Teacher Knowledge and Performance through The Master Teacher ($886.64) [Daniel E. Bland and Michelle Aquino - Middle School]
The Master Teacher is a weekly publication for teachers that briefly provides ideas, advice, and instructional strategies for handling a wide range of professional issues. The grant would allow Dan and Michelle to provide every teacher with a year-long subscription and will act as a catalyst to discussion held at team meetings and faculty meetings throughout the year. The objectives would be to provide teachers with a brief, easy to read periodical that will provide new ideas and reinforce current ideas, advice and instructional issues and to provide a catalyst for both informal and formal discussions that will lead to improved teacher performance and professionalism. The publisher provides sample “Questions for Discussion” that correspond to each weekly lesson that will facilitate deeper discussion of the issues. Also this will assist administration and teachers in identifying areas in need of further, more in-depth professional development.
SOS Suicide Prevention Program: The ACT Program ($809.79) [Kathryn Coffey to be implemented by Heather Savard and Deborah Acker - Grades 7-8]
The program impresses on students that they are in the best position to prevent a friend’s suicide by following the simple steps of ACT: Acknowledge, Care, Tell. The SOS program is evidence based and incorporates both education and screening in an easy-to-implement kit of materials for schools. The goals of the program are:
• To help our students understand that depression is a treatable illness, and help them assess
whether or not they may have symptoms consistent with depression.
• To explain that suicide is a preventable tragedy that often occurs as a result of untreated depression.
• To provide students training in how to identify serious depression and potential suicidality
in themselves or a friend.
• To impress upon teens that they can help themselves or a friend by taking the simple step
of talking to a responsible adult about their concerns.
Upper Freehold Regional School district began the process of this program in the Spring of 2005. It is important that our school districts work together to support our students. Together, both districts will be equally equipped with the knowledge to help themselves or a friend.
Diabetes in the School Setting ($589.00) [Marianne Disick, R.N. for the District nurses]
The district nurses will attend the National School Nurse Conference on Diabetes. Post conference, they will work as a team to formulate acceptable guidelines for the district based on the National Pediatric Education for Diabetes in School framework. The goal of the grant is to appropriately manage students with diabetes in school and to ensure that they are educated in a medically safe environment. The workshop will provide a framework to guide the nurses on a daily basis and decrease the amount of time the student is in the health office resulting in an increase of time in the classroom, therefore enhancing the education process.
Oh Baby! (1,537.65) [Nancy Prince - Grade 8]
This project uses life-like replicas of a real infant. They have the weight, size and feel of a real baby. Students will be responsible for the care of their assigned “infant” for an entire week. They must keep the baby with them at all times, or find a responsible person to baby-sit for them. If the baby is kidnapped, abused, left unattended or neglected in any way, the students will lose points toward their final grade.
In addition to caring for the baby, each student must calculate the annual expense of raising a child. They will be required to determine the price of diapers, baby food, clothes, toys, strollers, car seats and other necessary equipment. From this they will estimate the cost to raise their baby for one year. This will be reported in the required final paper, which will summarize all aspects of the project.
Objectives: To experience the responsibility of caring for a baby for one complete week, to learn the limitations that parenting imposes on social life, athletic activities and general freedom, to encourage students to seriously consider the implications of teen pregnancy, to discover the cost of raising a child, to improve written communication skills and self-esteem.
Literacy Centers ($7,525.55) [Laura Petrick and Colleen Henkin - Grade 1]
The project is designed to develop the reading, writing, listening and oral language of students in grade one. Students will be motivated by the choice, challenge, social interaction and success that comes from participating in center activities.
A literacy center is a collection of materials available for students to utilize in order to develop a specific skill. The goal is to include a Writing, Listening, Computer, Big Book, and Word Study center. Each center will be introduced one at a time so that students are aware of and have had experience with the learning task.
The students will work at the centers while the teacher is instructing small groups during Guided Reading. This is an important opportunity for the children to collaborate with peers, independent of the teacher. The centers will be differentiated to meet the needs of each student due to the open-ended nature of the activities. Students will work in groups of 4-5 at each center. As they work, students will use task-oriented dialogue to guide their learning. This can be more meaningful than when a teacher presents information; it enables students to take an active role in their learning.
MathMobile ($27,646.00) [Michelle Aquino, Laura Berube, Rhonda Morris, Allison Pressey and Beth Topinka on behalf of the Middle School Math Department - Grades 5-8)
The MathMobile is a wireless, mobile computer lab bringing state-of-the-art technology and mathematics learning opportunities to every student at Millstone Township Middle School. Equipped with 15 laptop computers, a projector for instruction and demonstration, a laser printer, 30 thumb drives, plus award winning Geometer’s Sketchpad software, the MathMobile will integrate technology into every mathematics classroom. The objective is to equip Middle School mathematics teachers with a powerful tool for the design and implementation of differentiated lessons emphasizing group work and project-based learning.
The laptops will feature Geometer’s Sketchpad software. The highly visual and interactive nature of the software inspires discovery of fundamental geometry concepts crucial for higher-level mathematical thinking, encouraging students at all grade levels to analyze mathematical relationships out of curiosity, excitement and a sense of wonder. A key objective addressed is improvement in 8th graders’ performance on the geometry section of the GEPA.
The MathMobile’s laptop computers will also incorporate the interactive, highly effective skill-building games linked to each unit in the newly adopted Everyday Mathematics program, as well as the mathematics software currently installed in the middle school computer lab – “Math Blaster” (Grades 5-8), “How The West Was Won” (Grades 4-8), and Al-Jabr” (Grades 7-9). These programs offer students an exciting approach to practicing Pre-algebra and algebra skills.
The Brain-Friendly Classroom ($5,232.00) [Jason Miller, Hope Miller, Jen McPartland and Nicole Ascione - Grades K-4]
There is a great deal of research that explores the idea of brain-based learning. Simply, the research indicates that each individual has two brain hemispheres, left and right. Research shows that many individuals are dominant in one hemisphere, while others utilize both hemispheres of the brain when they are learning new information.
This project is designed to allow the educators to understand the latest development in brain research and how these findings positively affect classroom learning. The research is based upon the diverse learning styles of children and the need to accommodate and embrace these differences.
This professional development, 4 day seminar is entitled “Differentiated Instruction and Brain Friendly Classrooms”. Hands on experiences will illustrate to teachers how to incorporate such modalities as music, poetry dance, athletics, art, writing, and many other disciplines into daily lesson plans. The information gained will assist teachers in understanding how to plan effective lessons that will undoubtedly affect each student in the class in a positive way. We will take the information back and turnkey to the other teachers in the district.
Cycle 7 - November 2004 - $6,615.60
Science with a Smartboard ($6,615.60) [Kim Keune in consultation with Dan Bland - Middle School Grades 5-8]
The project would allow the purchase of a mobile smart board with stand, laptop computer, wireless router, and appropriate cables to be predominately housed in the science classroom. This would be the first smart board in the middle school and would also serve as an important pilot of this technology as planning is ongoing for the new middle school.
The smart board would be used to make instruction more interactive, more technology based, and would assist students who need assistance with note taking or who were absent. Specifically, it would be used to enhance the current unit on weather. With the help of the Weather Station, also funded by MTFEE, and the addition of the smart board, it would broaden the topic to increase students' awareness and knowledge of meteorological terms and maps.
In addition, students would also be provided with another model of how technology can be used as a tool to further learning. The excitement the students would experience in using the new technology would increase student participation and provide them with a hands on experience with both science and technology that would lead to greater retention and understanding of the existing curriculum.
The smart board would be available for use by all teachers, through sign up.
Cycle 6 - May 2004 - $10,110.78
Book of the Month Club II ($3,908.88) [Jen McPartland/Meghan Olah/Jill Tobey/Nicole Ascione/Ivy Felix - Grade 4]
Reading instruction and independent reading promotes comprehension, builds vocabulary, enhances critical thinking skills, and challenges students to choose literature that causes them to take risks. The project has been extremely successful in third grade. Because of its success, students have become more independent readers and have realized how enjoyable reading for pleasure can be. The goal of the project is to continue the love of reading that has been developed in all of the students through this book club program.
To evaluate student’s understanding of these various literary genres, students will participate in a “book talk luncheon”. This luncheon will be purely voluntary on the part of students and will ask that they read the assigned book for that month. At the end of the month, parent volunteers will join the classes to conduct the luncheon. Parents/teachers will create an activity that will promote student discussion of the book and challenge them to recall events, characters, and express their opinions of the book.
New Jersey in Song ($1,594.43) [Mrs. Doreen Laskiewicz - Grade 4]
The project focuses on music and technology skills needed to write songs. Each grade 4 class will be composing songs about New Jersey based on facts gathered in social studies class. Topics include (but not limited to) geography, agriculture, the Revolutionary War, famous people and landmarks. They will write lyrics, formulate melodic material and make decisions about performance styles and instrumentation. The students will use high-end music writing program (Finale 2004) and a digital four track recorder (Tascam Pocketstudio 5), both of which are being obtained through the current music budget. Successful production of a finished product will include compact disc design and reproduction for each student in fourth grade.
The difference that this project will make is that it allows the students to produce a product they will keep for years to come. The students will be able to listen to the finished CD and hear a piece of their Millstone education captured in a moment in time. As they listen to the CD, they will recall how they were able to compose a melody, the facts about New Jersey history that will become embedded in their memories and gain exposure of the technology that is used on a regular basis in the music world.
Family Math Night ($1,541.95) [Ms. Faith Hope and Mr. Jason Miller]
Family Math is an after school family involvement program that provides elementary school children and their parents with opportunities to develop problem solving skills and understanding of mathematical concepts in an enjoyable, non-threatening atmosphere. The theory behind Family Math is to use everyday items that children would have at home.
This program makes time for families to learn to work together. It will also increase positive dialogue between teachers and parents. Family Math Night will help design a home learning environment for every child that will lay the groundwork in assisting with homework. It will also build awareness of the need for mathematics in life and work introducing families to career options and role models. It will promote mathematical literacy for everyone, no matter what ability level.
Battle of the Books ($ 1,250.52) [Ms. Francine Kamen - Grade 5]
The Battle of the Books is a reading motivation program. The objectives of the program are to encourage reading pleasure, broaden reading interest, and recognize students who successfully participate in this program. It provides an opportunity for academic team competition. The Battle of the Books has proven itself to be effective in its specified purpose: to stimulate an interest in reading.
Students in each fifth grade class will read at least three books over a period of several months. During their scheduled library class, students will discuss the books, quiz each other on the contents, and practice answering questions based on the books. The questions will all begin with “In what book” so the answers will always be a title and an author. At the end of the allotted reading period, the librarian will hold an elimination competition for each class and record the number of points earned. The two top scoring classes will participate in a playoff battle and the top scoring class will be the winner. Competition provides motivation and acts as an incentive for leisure reading.
Just Golfing Around ($ 1,815.00) [Ms. Kelly A. Rossetto - Grades 5-8]
Just Golfing Around will provide students with an individual/lifetime sport unit in the curriculum team sports unit. It can be played with high success rates by any age group, indoor or outdoor, due to design. Much like baseball has sport skill progression through T-ball, downhill skiing has the bunny slope, and basketball has biddy ball through low hoops and smaller balls, “SNAG” golf has shorter clubs with oversize club heads and larger balls.
The objectives will be:
1. To expose and excite more students to an individual sport such as golf.
2. To build self-esteem and confidence through high success rates of hits.
3. To help motivate students to be more active and use their down time at home to pick up a club with
family or friends.
4. To send more students to high school with the confidence to try out successfully for the school golf
“SNAG” is an acronym for starting new at golf. Golf is an up and coming lifetime sport for all. “SNAG” also includes teaching USGA rules, etiquette, personal life skills as a key part of each lesson.
Cycle 5 - November 2003 - $44,161.09
• What Phases You ($1,949.99) [Mrs. Christine Smith & Ms. Barbara D'Angelo - 3rd Grade]
What Phases You?” will be a project which provides students the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the Moon and its various phases. This will be an enrichment project that will take approximately eight weeks. Students who participate in this project will be exposed to research on the internet, small group collaboration, Smart Board Technology, PowerPoint, and hands on creation of moon phases. The project will be broken down into eight sessions as follows:
• Sessions one and two will consist of grouping, assigning a moon phase, researching, and beginning to create an outline.
• Sessions three and four students will finish their outline, if necessary, and begin to create their PowerPoint presentations.
• Sessions five and six students will fine tune their PowerPoint presentations and begin building the model of their moon phase.
• Sessions seven and eight will consist of group presentations.
“What Phases You?” enables students to go beyond the curriculum to learn about all phases of the moon in depth, learn new software such as PowerPoint and Smart Board and utilize Multiple Intelligences, which enhance learning.
• World Language/Technology Enrichment ($708) [Mrs. Libby Vona/Mrs. Phyllis Matseur - 1st-4th Grades]
The objective of this project is to offer enrichment of World Language and technology to primary grade students. This project will not only be an asset to the existing World Language and Technology programs, but will also enrich it by exposing young students to Japanese and French. This will enable students to have more opportunity to be successful in their language studies because it will combine language and technology and enhances the curriculum of both areas. This project will be a collaborative effort between the World Language and Computer teachers, focusing on the language arts, and math building level goals.
Using the software program Jumpstart Languages , the World Language teacher will introduce new concepts in her lessons and the computer teacher will then incorporate these concepts into the computer curriculum. The program will provide students with reinforcement of proper pronunciation and spelling of the concepts taught in the World Language program. As students become more familiar with the software and the concepts taught in Spanish, they will then be given the opportunity to build their knowledge base and explore the world of Japan and France.
• Design & Demolish! Geometry & Physics in Action ($978.84) [Beth Asbeck - 6th Grade]
Students will apply Geometry, Measurement, and Physics concepts to design, build, and test wooden bridges using an earthquake machine to simulate seismic forces. The engineering project will provide a hands – on application of mathematics and physics principles demonstrating their practical, real world application, providing a valuable supplement to the present 6th grade math curriculum.
Students will develop spatial sense and the ability to use geometric properties, relationships, and measurement to model and analyze phenomena. The project will span ten class periods. Students will work in teams of three.
Understanding geometry and physics principles is fundamental success on both the GEPA and the SAT exams. The present 6th grade curriculum presents geometry concepts through manipulative activities and textbook exercises. This project emphasizes geometry concepts used in real-world engineering situations – emphasizing the importance of understanding structural dynamics and bringing geometry alive!
• Mobile Writing Laboratory ($40,524.26) [Mr. Daniel Bland on behalf of the MS Language Arts Department - 5th-8th Grades]
We would like to purchase a set of thirty laptop computers equipped with wireless adapters and rewritable CD-Rom drives, a wireless access point, a lockable cart/recharging station, a printer, and appropriate software to provide the Middle School Language Arts Department with a Mobile Writing Laboratory. This Mobile Writing Laboratory would provide our teachers with an important tool necessary to improving student writing.
Our objective for this project is consistent with the NJ Department of Education’s 2002 Core Curriculum Content Standard 3.2 which states: “All students will write clear, concise, organized language that varies in content and form for different audiences and purposes.” In addition, the Standards’ Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPI) for grades 5-6 require that students “Use computer writing applications during the writing process” and in grade 7-8 that students “Compose, revise, edit and publish writing using appropriate word processing software.”
As a direct result of increased technology, we anticipate the following student outcomes:
• Students will spend more time pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing on word processors.
• Students will benefit from the interaction of their language arts teacher as they move through the steps of the writing process inside the classroom.
• Students’ writing skills will improve through more frequent opportunities to write for different audiences, purposes, and formats.
• Students will increase their utilization of the Internet as a research tool.
Cycle 4 - April 2003 - $14,433.98
Pair and Share the Facts ($1,707.75) [Nina Banerjee/Mary Costagliola/Trisha Rogusz (Reading Specialist) - 1st Grade]
This reading/discussion enables our students to read non-fiction titles on their personal level in a small group situation. They will have the opportunity to practice and develop reading strategies for a great range of non-fiction materials based on science and social studies topics. With the purchase of two sets (Grades 1 and 2) per classroom, the students will be exposed to reading various levels in small groups with the teacher. Each participating 1st Grade classroom will receive 150 books consisting of 25 various topics. Once per month, two 1st Grade classes will pair up and students will discuss their readings with another individual who has read the same informational test. Allowing students to explore non-fiction texts on their level and then discuss them will extend their knowledge and foster confidence.
Intelli-Preschoolers ($2,490.86) [Courtney Culp/Linda Russell - Preschool]
The IntelliTools project will provide children with special needs the ability to use quality computer software for learning. The proposed project will allow for both verbal and non-verbal students to become active participants in a variety of activities such as circle time, group games, language and academic lessons. It allows for more independent participation in activities and fosters an increased self-esteem for the children. IntelliKeys also provides visual and auditory feedback to increase comprehension and use of speech and language. The program benefits both the verbal and non-verbal child. For the children that have delayed and/or limited verbal expression, IntelliKeys provides an appropriate verbal model that can be age appropriate. The IntelliTools software also allows the non-verbal child to have a voice and participate in the same manner as their peers, while providing the child with verbal models. The program immerses the child in language while stimulating their auditory and visual systems. Verbal children benefit as it gives a multi-sensory approach for learning. The program provides models and reinforcement for speech and language, cognitive and academic skills.
The Write Direction Towards Super Writing ($911.02) [Dana Erndl - 3rd Grade]
The Write Direction and Super Skills for Super Writers is a student-centered program that features fully integrated, correlated grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling components that helps meet state writing standards as well as prepare the students for state standardized tests. As students explore the writing process, they will move from beginning writers to more confident ones. Approximately 30 students in the 3rd grade will benefit from this program. It will enhance them as students by allowing them to learn the writing process to become better writers. The information that they learn will help them throughout the rest of their academic career by building upon the information that they have gained.
Priceless Poetry Projects ($3,105.35) [Jennifer McPartland/Meghan Olah - 4th Grade]
Each month of the 2003-2004 school year, students will be exposed to the different genres of poetry. These genres include, but are not limited to, Haiku, Limerick, Free Verse, Cinquain, Acrostic, Narrative, Lyric, Tanka, Couplet and Alliteration. In conjunction with the program, they will also be introduced to well-known children's poets such as Jack Prelutsky, Shel Siverstein, Dr. Seuss, Alan Katz, Bruce Lansky, Robert Frost, Richard Wilbur and Joan Bransfield Graham. To evaluate students understanding of these poetry genres, the teachers will create an individual poetry project that will be completed through the use of hands-on center materials. As the district moves into an additional means of differentiating instruction, part of the success and value of this instruction is the ability for students to work independently. The projects will allow each child to expand their own personal discovery of their level of creativity and ability to generate their own original poetry works through independent work and ownership. The skills obtained through the development of these poetry projects will encompass all skills and help each individual develop intellectually and creatively.
Kids Lunch Special ($1,220) [Yvonne Warschawski - Self-Contained K-1st Grade]
Often students with learning disabilities need to be taught social skills taken for granted by others without learning disabilities. These children need to learn waiting skills, sitting quietly, turn taking, sharing, greetings, helping others, speaking with someone that they are not familiar with, table manners, placing orders, verbalizing their wants, decision making, proper eating, following directions, acting properly, using public restrooms and using indoor voices. This project will help children develop strategies to prevent and replace problem behaviors and increase skills enabling them to participate in life's social events. Very often students with special needs are the students who are not invited to birthday parties and are not always included in social gatherings. The teachers believe that inappropriate behaviors and life skills can be changed; and the earlier this is done the better results they will have. The teachers would like to take the first steps in developing positive behaviors and to help children with special needs crossover their new skills outside of the classroom. This program involves taking a class of children with special needs on a monthly trip to a local restaurant for lunch to encourage growth in their knowledge, personalities and behavior enabling them to become a part of a social group participating in activities that are typical for other children. In order to succeed, children with special needs must develop socially and emotionally as well as academically. Social skills training teaches students appropriate interpersonal communication skills, self-discipline and problem solving skills.
AWS WeatherNet Program ($4,999) [Kim Keune - 7th Grade]
The AWS School WeatherNet program combines several components together: Enhances math, science, geography, and technology education skills; provides the entire community with a unique and valuable resource for real weather conditions; excellent opportunities for students to analyze and interpret data; and overall the weather system becomes an information source that is available in all classrooms for all students at all times. Students will learn to appreciate environmental awareness through meteorological parameters. One technological aspect of WeatherNet is the ability to integrate "live" data into Internet home pages. Not only can students share real weather data with other schools; but students, teachers, and parents can access weather conditions via the school's internet home page. The benefits of this program are: increase student achievement while meeting National Educational Standards; engage students with interactive lessons; develop critical thinking skills; provide practical internet technology applications in the classroom; develop public speaking skills when the weather is announced with the morning announcements; increase school interest and pride throughout the community; enhance math, science, geography, and technology skills; and showcase the school on TV through Weatherbug. The program will be piloted in 7th grade science and then a turn-key program will be established for all other science teachers in Grades 5-8.
Cycle 3 - $4,994.67
Strumming for Success ($4,994.67) [Heather Philhower - 7th Grade]
This program implements a guitar program into the current seventh grade music curriculum. The introduction of a guitar program into this curriculum would greatly enhance it, as much of our American musical heritage is based upon and around the guitar. Specifically the infusion of guitars into this curriculum would allow the students to improvise their own blues and jazz and to compose/accompany their own folk songs in a more authentic way than can be accomplished by just the instructor accompanying on the guitar or piano. The introduction of guitars into the classroom would also bring students the enjoyment and excitement of music participation while building important life-skills, such as communication, listening, teamwork, discipline and respect for others.
Cycle 2 - $8,972
Kids Book Talk ($2,787.50) [Jason Miller & Faith Hope - 3rd Grade]
The entire 3rd grade class of 80 students will be offered an opportunity to participate in a book of the Month Club. Each student will be offered a book to read during his/her free time. At the end of each month students who voluntarily participated in this book club will be invited to attend a book discussion luncheon. For the luncheon, students will be divided into small groups according to the book they read. Either a volunteer teacher or parent volunteer will facilitate each group. Each group leader will be provided with the discussion questions and activities for the 40-minute period. The objective of this program is to promote independent reading skills. It will not only provide recreational reading materials for the students, but will also provide an academic benefit for each child who participates. The books chosen will be written by authors that the students normally would not have access to from the school library and curriculum. The principal of the school will approve all age appropriate books chosen.
Weather Net Weather Station ($4,999) [Irene Pearson - 4th Grade]
This program allows students to track local and national weather. The meteorological software and internet technology accurately measures, archives and publishes 27 different weather parameters in real time. Weather Net Classroom provides weather and camera images, interactive lessons and curriculum, graphing and mapping, displays and historical information. Weather Net Classroom also provides support by the AWS Professional Development Team and local broadcast meteorologists, k-12 interactive lesson plans and monthly themes. The objective is to have students apply classroom learning to real-life situations and to engage students in "hands-on" and "minds-on" learning.
A Toast to Our Coast--Exploring New Jersey Barrier Island Ecology ($635.50) [Beth Asbeck - 6th Grade]
This program will engage 24, 6th grade Millstone students in a hands-on exploration of New Jersey's Barrier island ecology. This day trip and web site development project will provide students with an understanding of our coastal environment, develop observation and analytical abilities, and acquire an appreciation for the fragility of this ecosystem. Students will be challenged to apply their technology and electronic presentation skills through development of the project's virtual field trip web site.
Jazz Ensemble Music Library ($550) [Sarah Jones - 5th-8th Grade]
This program is to establish a Jazz music library for a Jazz Ensemble which is to meet an extra curricular activity beginning in September 2002. Establishing a Jazz Music Library will allow the students to experience a wide repertoire of this style of music. Students will be able to experience a truly American form of music broadening skills and techniques learned in instrumental lessons and Concert Band.
Cycle 1 - $1,971.96
World Music Drumming Ensemble ($1,269.96) [Heather Philhower - 8th Grade]
This Program springboards from the current 8th grade general music curriculum. The World Music Drumming Ensemble would be an enrichment, extracurricular activity provided for the 8th grade students with a desire to pursue this kind of musical experience further. Students would utilize instrumental/cultural techniques learned in the classroom in a performing venue outside of the school day. Provides another avenue for music making, thus promoting the Music Educators National Conference goal of "music for every child".
Jumpstart Reading in Kindergarten ($702) [Meg McCarthy, Lisa Murin, Lisa Kennedy, Joan Napoliello - Kindergarten]
This program consists of furthering the advancement of Kindergartners from nonreaders. The network version of Jumpstart Phonics would allow students to access a form of differentiated instruction on the computer to accompany classroom instruction. The program reinforces concepts covered in class as well as provides various activities, which increase in level of difficulty. Students will have consonants and vowels reinforced. Students will learn to build simple sentences, rhyming words, completing words with missing letters and identifying letters and picture words.