Millstone Township
Foundation for Educational Excellence 



2023 Grants
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Cycle 21 - Spring 2013 - $1,600
Interactive Author Visits ($1,600) (Collen Henkin, second grade teacher, on behalf of the second grade team which also includes Karen Gurico, Jackie Happich, Cheryl Hoffmann, Laura Hughes, Marian Peck and Donna Romano)

The grant consists of a visit from published children's author, Marcie Aboff, who will present a school-wide program (Pre-K through 2) entitled, "My Life as an Author" to show students how ideas become books. During the presentation, she will read a story aloud and explain how she gets the ideas for her writing. She will also identify all of the people that are needed to publish a book. In addition, she will present her "What's Your Story?" interactive personal narrative writing workshop to the second grade students to inspire them as writers. Ms. Aboff will return for a follow up visit with the second graders to provide feedback about their writing. The program is scheduled to be implemented in the fall of 2013.

In keeping with its mission, the grant will enhance the Writing Workshop curriculum for all grades—with special focus on the second grade curriculum—by providing Millstone Township Primary School students the opportunity to interact with a published author in a small setting and understand the process involved in publishing a book.